Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Prayer Box

Have you ever read Redeeming Love?  If you haven't, drop everything you are doing, go out and buy this book (by Francine Rivers) and read it until you finish it. If you have, you know why I so strongly believe that everyone should read that book.  Anyways, in the book one of the characters has a "God box." 

'When problems prey on my mind, I write them down, fold them up, and put them through the slot.  Once they're inside this box, they're God's problem and not mine... I'm a fixer, Angel.  A worrier.  I've never been able to just let things go.  I want to play God, if you will.' She smiled in self-mockery.  'Every time I do, things go awry.'  She patted the box.  'So I have this... it reminds me to put faith in God and not in myself.  The bonus comes when I see my prayers are answered.'

This is Susanna's description of her God box.  I recently re-read Redeeming Love and seeing as I, too am a control freak I decided to make one. This is what I came up with :)

Instead of "God box" I call it my prayer box :)  This is the front.

This is the back. Phillipians 4:6-7

I need some advice.  I know that I'm going to fill it with colorful sticky notes so it will be nice and pretty, but I can't decide whether I should crumple them up, or fold them.  I kind of like the crumple look, but I want to be able to read them later on.  Any suggestions or opinions?

Top of the box where the slot is.

I made this on Picnik.  It is filled with lyrics from "While I'm Waiting," "From the Inside Out," Psalm 46:10, Psalm 55:22 and "Learn to dance in the rain."  I love it :)

This is the verse I used for the back.  I'm probably going to add more to the back when I think of things, but for now this is it!
Oh! So cool story.  I got this glass box from Hobby Lobby a while back.  Everytime I'm in there I get so inspired and buy things without having the slightest idea what I'm going to do with it.  So, it stayed in my closet for several months until I figured out it's purpose.  A prayer box. It was destiny ;)

I can't wait to put it to use :D

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful idea. I am working on having my Sunday School class make these, and I have been scouring Google for ideas. I will be sharing the idea from 'Redeeming Love' with the youth! Thank you!
