Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Prayer Box (Continued)

I figured out how to put my prayers into the box!!! Below is my first DIY tutorial, I'm super excited :)

How to Fold a Sticky Note into an Envelope (Letters to God):

Get a colorful sticky note and write your prayer to God on the STICKY side.

Fold it in half so writing is on the inside.

This part is a little tricky.  I can never do it evenly, but I think it gives it a little something ;)  Fold the top two corners in so they come together in the middle.

Then do the same to the other side.

Fold the top down.

Then tuck the bottom up underneath it. 

I like to write "Dear God" as the "address"  but you can do whatever you want. 

I write the date on the other side and I keep it closed by a small paperclip.  I tried using a sticker, but it didn't work as well.  Tell me if you have any other ideas.  I kind of like the paperclip though.  It's unique.

Then all you have to do is stick it into your prayer box, truly praying what you just wrote and "mail" it to God. 

Aren't they cute?
I probably shouldn't have done my first DIY tutorial at 1:30 in the morning, but hey! I was excited... I couldn't help it.  I'm not usually this creative.  I like the thought of them being letters and then when I drop it in the slot, it's like I'm sending it off.  I love it!  It's already helping :)  Now that you're awestruck at my amazing creativity and really inspired, go make a prayer box! <-- That was a joke by the way. :D  But seriously, make one; they're awesome.

P.S. The font I am using makes exclamation points look like "l"s, but I promise I'm not adding random "l"s everywhere, just exclamation points !!!  Goodnight :)


  1. Wow i am greatly impressed! Very cool indeed :)

  2. Love it!! I'm stealing your creative idea.

  3. So is it like the tooth fairy? He comes and takes the prayer request away and leaves some money in the box? :)

  4. Thanks Naomi and Karen :)

    Hannah, you would. :p You're just jealous I have an imagination :)
