Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What a Day...

My computer returned from getting its hard drive replaced at Dell today.  I'm excited about having it back so now I can share my pictures and work on some music things... but I found out that my journal that I kept on here has been lost.  My journal contained day-to-day thoughts, my bible study, memories, and quotes.. I can't stop crying over it. I supposed I should go back to pen and paper.

On top of that, choir practice was not exactly great. There is a conflict over a minor change in our worship service concerning engaging the congregation. The whole ordeal has gotten me thinking, what IS worship?  Does it really matter whether the congregation is engaged with what WE are doing?  Does it really matter if they sing loud, clap their hands, close their eyes and raise their hands? Part of me believes that when one truly believes God is present in the room we would be doing anything and everything to show honor, respect, awe, love... etc. We would be in on our faces and I think it's the choir's job to minister to the people to bring them to that belief.  BUT, at the same time I believe that worship can be an inward, silent action.  I'm reminded of one of our elders.  He doesn't sing, or show much emotion, but I have no doubt in my mind that he is worshipping God. I'm not sure what the answer is. I don't think anyone truly does. Except God, of course. 

Those are my thoughts for the day.  To conclude, I would like to add this picture.  I was very fortunate to capture such a beautiful picture.  Dad and I were driving home from choir practice a few weeks back and I was noting on the sunshine and dark clouds and how beautiful it was until I looked around and saw a rainbow.  We sped home and I jumped out and took a picture of the beautiful rainbow, hay bales, and bee hives.  Rainbows are such a blessing...

Hope you all had a better day than I did.  :)

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