Monday, June 20, 2011

The Purpose of This Blog

Hello Everyone :) I am really excited about this blog so let me go ahead and tell you what it's going to be about!  The main purpose of this blog is to help others, while I myself, acknowledge beauty; beauty in God's creation, beauty in music, beauty in the simple things. 

Music has been a part of my life for a long time now.  I started taking piano lessons when I was 7-years-old.  I've continued to take them (on and off with different teachers) to this very day.  For most of those years, piano was just something to do, a hobby.  It wasn't until this past year that I completely fell in love with the piano.  My teacher, Michelle, who happens to be one of my most favorite people in the world, helped me uncover my passion for music and I am very thankful for her encouragement.  I plan on majoring or minoring in music when I go to college and then hopefully become a music teacher. 

Another big part of my life is singing.  I realized I had a voice when I was about 11-years-old and have been singing in the church choir ever since then.  Playing the piano and singing are two of my most favorite ways to worship God.  Worship is something I will be focusing a lot on in this blog as well.  Most people think worship is just singing with your eyes closed and your hand raised in church but there is so much more to it.  Of course, I'm not an expert, but I would like to share my thoughts with you as I continue to learn. 

One more thing that I have recently taken interest to is photography.  I would have NEVER thought I would get into photography, but God works in funny ways :)  Last Easter, I was given a project for the Easter Cantata and it involved a lot of picture taking.  Anything that looked pretty I would take a picture of.  And so began a mind-blowing realization of God's beautiful creation.  There is beauty all around me!! How could I have missed it before? So that's my story on those few particular aspects of my life.  I can't wait to share my pictures, music and thoughts :)

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